Abstract art from the Horsham Regional Art Gallery Collection

Now on display in the Council Gallery, Colour and form: Abstract art from the Horsham Regional Art Gallery Collection is a celebration of the significance of HRAG’s growing abstract art collection.
The first piece of abstract art to enter the collection was Sighs harp (1973) by Peter Tyndall, gifted by the artist in 1973. This was joined by a Peggy Shaw gouache, Abstract (n.d.), and a second Tyndall, Eight verticals (1974), in 1974 and 1975 respectively. A further Peggy Shaw, Blue Mosque (1970), was added three years later. Since then, the gallery’s collection of abstract art has grown steadily, each decade adding further works to the point where today it has coalesced into a small but significant sub-collection at HRAG.
This exhibition presents a selection of abstract art from the HRAG permanent collection by late 20th and early 21st century Australian and international artists, including fine examples of Abstract Expressionism, Geometric Abstraction, Lyrical Abstraction, Minimalism, and more.
Image: George JOHNSON, Supported red triangle, 1986, acrylic on canvas, 92.7 x 78.0cm. Courtesy of the estate of George Johnson.